Monday, August 07, 2006

Base Ball Pitcher

The following article appeared in the July 28, 1870 issue of the Daily Miners' Journal, a Pottsville, PA newspaper.

Base Ball Pitcher.- As the national game is all the go now, a brief description of this important member of the nine will be appreciated: "On receiving the ball he raises it in both hands until is level with his left eye. Striking an attitude, he gazes at it two or three minutes in a contemplative way, and then turns it around once or twice to be sure that it is not an orange or coconut. Assured that he has the genuine article he then winks once at the first baseman, twice at second baseman, and three times at the third baseman, and after a scowl at the short stop and a glance at the home plate, finally delivers the ball with the precision and rapidity of a cannon shot."

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